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Re:안녕하세요 블로그 잘보고있습니다

2021-08-22 09:09
노트내용은 아래와 같습니다
In SAP Signature Theme the tree control in SAP GUI for Windows shows different background colors for the first four hierarchical levels. In newer themes this functionality was removed by design, because it reduces contrast of text to background and the idea of the newer SAP GUI themes was having a display with fewer visual hierarchies.

However, the different colors for tree levels are considered helpful by some users, because one can more easily understand on which level an item / node in the tree is located.

Therefore, as of SAP GUI for Windows 7.70, we have introduced different background colors to differentiate tree control hierarchical levels also in newer SAP GUI themes starting with Blue Crystal theme (this excludes the Corbu theme). This functionality is inactive by default and can be activated as explained below. For SAP Signature Theme the functionality remains active by default and cannot be deactivated. Please note that in High Contrast themes this functionality is not supported, because the contrast wouldn't be enough to meet the minimum contrast requirements.

Other Terms
SAP GUI Tree Control; Tree hierarchical levels; Tree Background Color Per Level;

Reason and Prerequisites
New functionality

You can activate this functionality by setting the Windows registry REG_DWORD value TreeBackgroundColorPerLevel to 1.

This value needs to be created in path HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\SAP\General\Appearance\TreeBackgroundColorPerLevel or HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\SAP\General\Appearance\TreeBackgroundColorPerLevel (32bit operating system) / HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\WOW6432Node\SAP\General\Appearance\TreeBackgroundColorPerLevel (64bit operating system).

Reading priority is HKCU and then HKLM.

If the registry value TreeBackgroundColorPerLevel is not present or value is zero, different background colors based on the hierarchical levels will not be active for themes newer than SAP Signature Theme.
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